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Items Needed to Prepare Personal Tax Returns


Source documents such as W-2's, Forms 1099, 1098's, etc.



* Please complete my questionnaire at the link below (If you answer yes to any of the questions you most likely need to either provide a form or more information.):



* Did you make any charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations last year via check/credit card/cash?  If so, what was the total amount? $________________


* Did you donate any noncash items to nonprofits (e.g. clothing & household goods to organizations like SPCA or Goodwill) last year?   If so, was the estimated total fair market value of the items donated? $___________.


If over $500, please let me know who you donated to.  If over $5,000 you generally have to have an appraisal (donations of household items over $5,000 FMV is very rare). 


See for more information on noncash donations.


If you have any of the following I will also need additional information:


* Rental property or properties - Please provide profit & loss or complete this rental sheet for each property.


*Business (Sole Proprietorship) - Please provide profit & loss or complete this business sheet for each business.


Below is a link to the various ways to send information to me:



* If you are missing a tax form please let me know.  If I have an income tax power of attorney on file I may be able to get the information directly from the IRS or FTB.


This list is pretty close to the bare minimum that I need to prepare a personal income tax return.  Please note that I send an income tax organizer to clients that has specific pages based on their prior year's tax returns (e.g. rental & business sections that list prior year's amounts).  This can be found in my continuing client's TY24/Client Organizer folder in my SmartVault portal.  I do not require that you complete the organizer but strongly suggest doing so for my clients with more involved returns.


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