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Statement of Information - LLC's

Limited Liability Companies organized in the State of California are required to file a Form LLC-12 Statement of Information with the California Secretary of State.


The form can now be electronically filed and paid at:


The statement is due within 90 days after filing the original Articles of Organization with the State of California, and then biennially thereafter.

The form is due by the end of the month in which the LLC was originally organized in either even or odd years (depending on whether the LLC was formed in an even or an odd year).  The form can be filed five months early.  For example, an LLC organized February 15, 2012 would be required to file its initial form within 90 days of that date, and its first biennial form by February 28, 2014.  In this example, the form can be filed during the month of February 2014 or the five months prior.  This cycle repeats in either even or odd years (depending on whether the LLC was formed in an even or an odd year) until the LLC is dissolved with the State of California.


There is a $20.00 filing fee required.


You may not receive a reminder from the California Secretary of State to file this form.  You are still required to file even if you do not receive a reminder.  The penalty assessed for failure to file or late filing is $250.00.

If you would like assistance from my office with filing your form, or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.




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