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Paying IRS & CA Electronically 

To pay the IRS electronically go to:



To pay the California FTB electronically go to:




Below are detailed instructions on how to pay electronically (detailed instructions not available on mobile device).


To pay the IRS electronically go to:



1.  Select Reason - most common are Estimated Tax & Balance Due (with return)


2.  Apply payment to - 1040ES (estimated tax) & Income Tax - Form 1040 (bal. due)


3.  Select the tax year that you would like to pay


Below is an example of how to pay an estimated tax payment:


Below is an example of how to pay the balance due with your Federal return

Due with Return IRS.png

4. Click continue, you will then be taken to this page:

Verify Identity - IRS direct pay.png

5. Enter payment information on the next page.  This page and the remaining pages I believe should be self-explanatory.

IRS direct pay 3.png

Paying the California Franchise Tax Board


To pay the California FTB electronically go to:


FTB direct pay.png

Enter Name & Address Information:

FTB direct pay 2.png

Select Payment Type - most commonly estimated tax payment (as shown below) or Tax Return Payment (when paying balance due with return)

FTB direct pay 3.png

Enter Payment Information on the next screen

FTB Payment Info.png
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