Paying IRS & CA Electronically
To pay the IRS electronically go to:
To pay the California FTB electronically go to:
Below are detailed instructions on how to pay electronically (detailed instructions not available on mobile device).
To pay the IRS electronically go to:
1. Select Reason - most common are Estimated Tax & Balance Due (with return)
2. Apply payment to - 1040ES (estimated tax) & Income Tax - Form 1040 (bal. due)
3. Select the tax year that you would like to pay
Below is an example of how to pay an estimated tax payment:
Below is an example of how to pay the balance due with your Federal return
4. Click continue, you will then be taken to this page:
5. Enter payment information on the next page. This page and the remaining pages I believe should be self-explanatory.
Paying the California Franchise Tax Board
To pay the California FTB electronically go to:
Enter Name & Address Information:
Select Payment Type - most commonly estimated tax payment (as shown below) or Tax Return Payment (when paying balance due with return)
Enter Payment Information on the next screen